Delaware County, NY is home to a wide variety of educational offerings in the area. It has numerous public schools that are highly rated, and it also has several private schools that provide excellent education opportunities. The local school districts are well-funded and have been successful in providing quality education for students in the area. The county also boasts several institutions of higher learning, including SUNY Delhi and TC3, which offer programs at all levels of study for those seeking higher education or adult continuing education. The local community is supportive of its students and provides many resources for their success such as tutoring centers, afterschool programs, mentoring programs and clubs. Furthermore, Delaware County consistently ranks high on state tests and national assessments due to its commitment to excellence in education. Therefore, Delaware County offers a great opportunity for students who wish to pursue a quality education in this part of upstate New York.
Delaware County schools spend $23,269 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 12 pupils per teacher, 249 students per librarian, and 275 children per counselor.