Education in 99746 Huslia, AK is highly rated and is a great resource for the local community. The schools in the area offer quality education with teachers dedicated to helping students reach their full potential. There are many opportunities for students to get involved both in and out of school, allowing them to hone their skills and become better prepared for a successful future. The schools provide an array of activities such as sports teams, music and art classes, science labs, life skills classes, career-readiness classes, and more so that students can explore various areas of interest. Additionally, the local community provides resources such as tutoring centers and mentorship programs to help students succeed academically. All in all, 99746 Huslia is a great place for an educational experience that is both engaging and enriching.
Huslia (zip 99746) schools spend $17,236 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 28 pupils per teacher, 2,510 students per librarian, and 335 children per counselor.