The education in San Jose, CA (95132) is highly rated. There are numerous public and private schools in the area that offer educational opportunities for all students. Specifically, some of the top-rated primary and secondary schools in the district include Washburn Elementary School, Horace Mann Elementary School, and Bellarmine College Preparatory. These schools consistently perform well on state testing standards and have high ratings from parents who are satisfied with their children’s education. Furthermore, there are also a variety of programs offered by local organizations that provide educational resources for students such as after-school tutoring sessions, summer camps, and extracurricular activities. All of these resources contribute to an excellent learning environment in San Jose, CA that is dedicated to helping students succeed academically.
San Jose (zip 95132) schools spend $8,428 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 25 pupils per teacher, 7,974 students per librarian, and 1,772 children per counselor.