Zip 19952 (Harrington, DE) Education


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19952 Harrington, DE is a great place to get an education. The local schools are rated highly and parents can feel confident that their children will receive quality instruction and be inspired by knowledgeable teachers. In addition to the excellent ratings, many of the schools offer extra-curricular activities like music, sports, and clubs which help to engage students and build a strong sense of community. Although the population of 19952 Harrington, DE is relatively small, there are still plenty of opportunities for children to learn valuable lessons both inside and outside of the classroom. Overall, 19952 Harrington, DE provides a supportive environment for learning that promotes success in academic pursuits.

Harrington (zip 19952) schools spend $12,422 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 15 pupils per teacher, 3,797 students per librarian, and 380 children per counselor.

Education Degree by Location

  EducationHarrington, DelawareUnited States

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