Zip 30011 (Auburn, GA) Education


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Auburn, GA 30011 is a great place to get an education. According to school ratings, the schools in this area are highly rated and provide a quality learning environment. Local educational resources are available to students of all ages, from preschool through high school. The schools strive to ensure that students receive the best educational experience possible by providing numerous extracurricular activities and services. The teachers are dedicated to helping each student reach their maximum potential both academically and socially. With the help of local organizations and businesses, students have access to a variety of opportunities for success in college or career after graduation. Auburn, GA 30011 is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a quality education with plenty of support along the way.

Auburn (zip 30011) schools spend $9,213 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 15 pupils per teacher, 940 students per librarian, and 658 children per counselor.

Education Degree by Location

  EducationAuburn, GeorgiaUnited States