Zip 30909 (Augusta, GA) Education


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The education in 30909 Augusta, GA is highly rated and provides excellent opportunities for students. The local school district has a great reputation for providing quality education to its students, with many of the schools being rated as some of the best in the region. Many of the schools have been awarded state and national awards for their excellence in teaching and educational programming. Additionally, the community puts a strong focus on providing an array of services for students to help maximize their potential. This includes after-school tutoring programs, counseling services, and college preparation programs that are tailored to meet each individual student's needs. Overall, the education available in 30909 Augusta, GA is among the best in Georgia and beyond.

Augusta (zip 30909) schools spend $10,047 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 16 pupils per teacher, 317 students per librarian, and 506 children per counselor.

Education Degree by Location

  EducationAugusta, GeorgiaUnited States

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