Education in 02052 Medfield, MA has always been top notch and the local schools have consistently rated highly. The area is known for its excellent educational options, with a range of public and private schools that offer high quality instruction. Local programs for elementary to high school aged students are designed to prepare them for college and beyond. Students who attend these schools often go on to attend some of the most prestigious universities in the country, demonstrating their commitment to academic excellence. Additionally, there are multiple programs available that provide extra support for those who need it, including tutoring services and student counseling. Overall, education in 02052 Medfield is outstanding, giving students the necessary building blocks they need to be successful later in life.
Medfield (zip 02052) schools spend $12,586 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 14 pupils per teacher, 285 students per librarian, and 385 children per counselor.