Whitmore Lake, Michigan (48189) is a vibrant community nestled in Washtenaw County in Southeast Michigan. With an excellent school system, the area offers students a quality education and great opportunities to learn and grow. The local schools are part of Whitmore Lake Public Schools, rated with 8 out of 10 stars by BestPlaces.net. All of the schools provide comprehensive educational programs ranging from kindergarten through high school, and there are also several private school options available for families who want another option for their children's education. The district takes great pride in providing a safe and supportive learning environment for its students. Plus, with an extensive selection of extracurricular activities, sports teams, clubs, and more available to students at all grade levels, there is something for everyone here. Parents can be sure their children will receive a well-rounded education in Whitmore Lake that prepares them for success both now and in the future.
Whitmore Lake (zip 48189) schools spend $14,069 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 17 pupils per teacher, 1,031 students per librarian, and 607 children per counselor.