Talmoon, MN (56637) is located in Itasca County and is home to a good school system. The local schools are well-respected in the community and have an outstanding rating when it comes to education quality. The teachers are dedicated to providing excellent instruction, and the students are engaged and motivated to achieve their educational goals. Talmoon's schools offer a wide range of classes and activities, including music, art, physical education, foreign languages, career training and academic preparation for college entrance exams. Additionally, several extra-curricular clubs such as sports teams provide students with the opportunity to stay active outside of the classroom. With all these resources available in Talmoon, residents can be confident that their children will be receiving a top-notch education.
Talmoon (zip 56637) schools spend $13,875 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 14 pupils per teacher, 343 students per librarian, and 452 children per counselor.