The education in 63112 St. Louis, MO is of a high quality. Schools in the area have consistently earned high ratings, indicating that students are receiving an education of a superior standard. Local education options abound; there are plenty of public schools and numerous private institutions to choose from. Students and parents alike have access to a wide variety of educational opportunities, ensuring that everyone can find an option that works for them. The educational system within 63112 St. Louis, MO also has a strong focus on providing resources and support for disadvantaged students who require extra assistance to succeed in school. This commitment to excellence sets this area apart as one of the premier destinations for educational progress and success.
St. Louis (zip 63112) schools spend $13,284 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 14 pupils per teacher, 2,299 students per librarian, and 377 children per counselor.