The education in 63139 St. Louis, MO is highly rated and provides local students with the opportunity to thrive in their studies. There are a wide range of educational options available, ranging from public schools to private institutions. Public schools within the district have earned an average rating of 8 out of 10 on, which is significantly higher than the national average and reflects the dedication to providing quality instruction for all students. The district also boasts specialized programs such as Advanced Placement courses allowing students to challenge themselves academically and gain exposure to college-level content. Additionally, there are numerous postsecondary options nearby for those interested in pursuing further education after high school graduation. Altogether, these resources make 63139 St. Louis, MO an ideal place for any student looking to excel in their academics and explore the possibilities of higher learning!
St. Louis (zip 63139) schools spend $13,284 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 14 pupils per teacher, 2,299 students per librarian, and 377 children per counselor.