The education in 03814 Center Ossipee, NH is highly regarded. The schools in the area are well-maintained and regularly updated, with modern technologies and resources for students to utilize. The district provides a quality educational experience that is appropriate for all levels of learners, from early childhood through adulthood. Student performance on standardized tests is often higher than state and national averages, demonstrating the commitment of the teachers and administrators to provide an optimal learning environment. Additionally, local businesses often partner with the schools to offer internships and job opportunities for students when they graduate. Overall, 03814 Center Ossipee, NH has a strong and supportive educational system that is dedicated to providing its students with every opportunity to reach their full potential.
Center Ossipee (zip 03814) schools spend $18,260 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 11 pupils per teacher, 227 students per librarian, and 201 children per counselor.