Albany, NY 12202 is a great place to live and learn. It offers an array of educational opportunities for its residents, from public schools to private institutions. According to school ratings, the local education system in Albany, NY 12202 is highly rated and continually provides a strong educational foundation for its students. With highly qualified teaching staff and state-of-the-art facilities, Albany's schools continue to strive for excellence in their offerings. Furthermore, many of the schools boast programs such as music lessons or advanced courses that aim to inspire and foster creativity within their student population. Ultimately, Albany, NY 12202 offers an excellent education system that can provide the educational resources needed for both current students and future generations.
Albany (zip 12202) schools spend $26,698 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 14 pupils per teacher, 916 students per librarian, and 521 children per counselor.