Education in 10526 Goldens Bridge, NY is highly rated. The local schools have earned strong ratings from parents and students alike, with many families moving to the area to take advantage of the excellent educational opportunities. There are a variety of public and private schools available for students of all ages, providing quality education at all levels. The nearby town of Katonah also has several high-performing schools and is close enough to allow families who live in Goldens Bridge to take advantage of these offerings. Additionally, nearby universities provide access to higher education opportunities for those looking for further education beyond high school. All in all, Goldens Bridge is an excellent location for families looking for quality educational options.
Goldens Bridge (zip 10526) schools spend $30,942 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 12 pupils per teacher, 367 students per librarian, and 335 children per counselor.