The education in 58047 Horace, ND is highly rated. The local schools have been praised for their excellent standards and commitment to providing a quality education to the youth of this area. The district provides a full range of educational opportunities, including early childhood programs, secondary and post-secondary education. Students are able to choose from both public and private options when it comes to their schooling. Furthermore, the teachers in this district are well qualified and dedicated to helping students reach their fullest potential. With small class sizes and rigorous academic goals, students are given plenty of individual attention so that they can excel in their education. Overall, the school system in Horace is an excellent resource for parents and children looking for the best educational experience possible.
Horace (zip 58047) schools spend $14,627 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 13 pupils per teacher, 323 students per librarian, and 353 children per counselor.