The education in 58078 West Fargo, ND is highly rated, with the local schools consistently scoring well in national rankings. The school district puts a lot of emphasis on quality education and invests generously in the latest educational technology and resources. There is a great emphasis on developing creative problem-solving skills, as well as providing an environment that nurtures and encourages diverse perspectives. All of this makes it an ideal destination for those looking to pursue a quality education. The staff at these schools are also dedicated to helping students reach their potential and make sure that all students receive the attention they need to succeed academically. Students are also provided with opportunities to engage in extracurricular activities such as music, sports, arts, and more. With top-notch educational facilities and knowledgeable teachers, 58078 West Fargo, ND is an excellent choice for anyone searching for quality education.
West Fargo (zip 58078) schools spend $14,627 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 13 pupils per teacher, 323 students per librarian, and 353 children per counselor.