The education in 18510 Scranton, PA is provided by the Scranton School District, which consists of 15 schools. The district is highly rated, with a high graduation rate and consistently strong performance on standardized tests. Local education opportunities are extensive and include both public and private schools. The local community offers a variety of extracurricular activities for students such as music, athletics, clubs, and other activities. There are also numerous educational organizations in the area that provide resources to help children learn and develop their skills. In addition to excellent educational opportunities, parents can rest assured that their children will have access to quality healthcare and recreational activities as well. With so much to offer in terms of education and recreation, it's no wonder why families choose 18510 Scranton, PA as a great place to live and raise their children.
Scranton (zip 18510) schools spend $13,180 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 14 pupils per teacher, 299 students per librarian, and 704 children per counselor.