Zip 29117 (Orangeburg, SC) Education


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The education in Orangeburg, SC (zip code 29117) is highly rated. Schools in the area have consistently scored high marks on standardized tests and are well-respected within the community. The local school district has made great strides to ensure that students receive a quality education and have access to all necessary resources. Families can take comfort knowing that their children are receiving an excellent education, with instructors that care about their success. In addition to quality instruction, the local schools offer a variety of extracurricular activities for students of all ages, so they can find something to enjoy and develop their creativity outside of the classroom setting. With its high standards and diverse learning environment, Orangeburg is an excellent choice for families looking to give their children a top-notch educational experience.

Education Degree by Location

  EducationOrangeburg, South CarolinaUnited States