The education in 05345 Newfane, VT is excellent. The town is serviced by the Windham Central Supervisory Union, and the schools are highly rated. Students have access to a robust curriculum that includes music, art, physical education and advanced academic courses. The teachers are experienced and knowledgeable professionals who strive to bring out the best in each student. Class sizes are relatively small which allows for more individual attention for students when needed. There are also additional resources available to help students further their learning outside of the classroom, such as after-school clubs and tutoring programs. Overall, there is an emphasis on providing high quality educational opportunities in Newfane that will prepare students for success in college or in any career path they choose.
Newfane (zip 05345) schools spend $20,608 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 11 pupils per teacher, 307 students per librarian, and 271 children per counselor.