Zip 26296 (Whitmer, WV) Education


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The education in 26296 Whitmer, WV is right up there with the best. It is home to a range of schools offering different educational opportunities for students of all ages. The schools in this area have excellent ratings and offer a wide variety of learning experiences. At the elementary level, schools like Whitmer Elementary School provide a comprehensive education that includes reading, writing, math, science and social studies. Moving on to middle school, students can attend either Valley Middle School or Whitmer-Lee Middle School which both specialize in providing rigorous and stimulating programing designed to challenge each student. Finally, at the high school level, students can attend either Valley High School or Whitmer-Lee High School where they will continue to receive a quality education combined with athletic programs and extracurricular activities. In addition to these traditional options, there are many other local education opportunities available including private and charter schools as well as homeschooling options for families who prefer self-paced learning environments. All in all, 26296 Whitmer is an excellent place to receive an education.

Education Degree by Location

  EducationWhitmer, West VirginiaUnited States