Zip 76402 (Stephenville, TX) Health


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The health in Stephenville, TX (zip code 76402) is of utmost importance and the area provides a variety of local medical facilities to meet the needs of its citizens. There are several hospitals in town, including Harris Methodist Hospital Stephenville and Stephenville Medical & Surgical Clinic. Both hospitals provide excellent medical care and are staffed by highly qualified physicians. Additionally, there are numerous primary care clinics and specialty practices like dentists, chiropractors, physical therapists, and optometrists to choose from. The city also boasts several physical fitness centers and a wide selection of healthy food options at local grocery stores. With these resources available, residents of Stephenville can easily access quality healthcare services when needed.

The health of a city has many different factors. It can refer to air quality, water quality, risk of getting respiratory disease or cancer. The people you live around can also affect your health as some places have lower or higher rates of physical activity, increased alcohol intake, smoking, obesity, and cancer rates.

Air Quality Health Risk