Calpine, CA is a beautiful city located in the heart of Northern California. The median value of housing in Calpine is $358,900, which is higher than the US House Median Value of $338,100. Although the US 1 year House Appreciation rate was 8.27%, the House 1 year appreciation rate in Calpine was 3.89%. This suggests that real estate values in Calpine have been stable over the past year and may be an attractive investment option for potential buyers looking to purchase a home in this area.
The median home cost in Calpine is $358,900. Home appreciation the last 10 years has been 128.2%. Home Appreciation in Calpine is up 8.6%.
Average Age of Homes
- The median age of Calpine real estate is 45 years old
The Rental Market in Calpine
- Renters make up 17.0% of the Calpine population
- 0.0% of houses and apartments in Calpine, are available to rent
Buying a home is the biggest single purchase most people make during their lives. The second largest is most often an automobile.