The housing median value in Rosedale, MD (21237) is $284,000. This is slightly lower than the US Housing Median Value of $338,100, but still above the national average. Furthermore, houses in Rosedale have appreciated by 8.83% over the past year which is above the national 1-year appreciation rate of 8.27%. It is clear that Rosedale remains a desirable place to live for many people due to its proximity to large cities and lower housing prices compared to other parts of Maryland.
The median home cost in Rosedale (zip 21237) is $284,000. Home appreciation the last 10 years has been 52.0%. Home Appreciation in Rosedale (zip 21237) is up 8.8%.
Average Age of Homes
- The median age of Rosedale (zip 21237) real estate is 40 years old
The Rental Market in Rosedale (zip 21237)
- Renters make up 32.0% of the Rosedale (zip 21237) population
- 2.3% of houses and apartments in Rosedale (zip 21237), are available to rent
Buying a home is the biggest single purchase most people make during their lives. The second largest is most often an automobile.