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Partnering with BestPlaces offers a wealth of data - cost of living, housing statistics, crime rates, climate, schools, and more. Our company's legacy speaks volumes. We've been at the forefront of city and metro area data for decades, evolving with technology and market demands, earning the trust of countless businesses across the nation.

Recent real estate partners include Zillow, Rocket, Realtor.com, and Anywhere (Realogy). We also work with leading firms such as Intel, USAA, Microsoft, AARP and McDonald’s. Let us show what we can do for you.

All premium members receive access to the following comprehensive, data-rich features:

 Cost of Living Comparison Calculator
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 Personalized City Reports
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"I am a Premium member of BestPlaces as I am looking for relocation possibilities on the West Coast somewhere. Your support staff is first rate...answered all my questions on the spot and your data options have allowed me to research a variety of options."

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Sperling's BestPlaces is the United States' most reliable and thorough resource for demographic data, from the national level down to the zip code (and everything in between).

Comprehensive City Reports for any of the 18,000+ cities in the U.S. are exclusive to BestPlaces and feature all of the data you need for real estate pricing, housing, rent versus ownership statistics, economics, education, crime and environmental health.
Each City Report also features taxes, crime, and 10 additional categories.

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  • Extractable City Profile Data

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  • Personalized Guidance with Quizzes

The BestPlaces comprehensive 22 question quiz provides 3 ideal metro areas, 3 cities in each metro area, and 3 zip codes with personalized reports.

Each report includes extensive data on cost of living, real estate, job market and commute, crime and safety, climate trends, schools, economy, potential health concerns, religion and churches, social demographics, politics and voting, growth, social climate, affordability, and more.

  • Unlimited Access to our Map Collection

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Usage rights include website display, personal use, email marketing - all watermark free with premium and enterprise accounts.

  • Enhanced Insight into Cost of Living

Our super-detailed Cost of Living Calculator and Analysis includes taxes, childcare, and renting or buying a home.

Enter your income and see what your taxes will be including state and local, income, sales, property, plus auto and real estate fees. Find the local cost of childcare, auto insurance, health premiums and other exclusive data.

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