equestId":"adbdf6cc-4a80-4d8b-85cc-8054b164de73","resource":"content","data":[{"id":"txt_9767efdc1cf54558a15d9e3f90daeaa5","text":"\n \nClayton, DE is a small town with a population of 3,845 people and a population density of 1,902 people per square mile. The area has multiple local businesses ranging from restaurants to retail stores and small services. A few popular businesses in Clayton include O’Regan’s Pub & Grill, Clayton Hardware & Garden Center, and Paws Pet Grooming Salon. For year-round outdoor activities, Clayton has several parks like Killens Pond State Park and White Clay Creek State Park which offer great opportunities for recreational activities such as fishing, biking, hiking and camping. Other organizations in the area include the Clayton Historical Society which helps preserve the history of Clayton and the Greater Smyrna-Clayton Area Boys & Girls Club which provides resources for youth in the community. Local sporting events happen throughout the year at places like Clayton High School Football Stadium where they host football games each fall season.
The population in Clayton is 3,845. There are 2,014 people per square mile aka population density. The median age in Clayton is 35.9, the US median age is 38.4. The number of people per household in Clayton is 3.4, the US average of people per household is 2.6.
Family in Clayton
- 51.8% are married
- 8.9% are divorced
- 38.4% are married with children
- 23.1% have children, but are single
Race in Clayton
- 60.7% are White
- 31.2% are Black
- 0.2% are Asian
- 0.0% are Native American
- 0.2% claim Other
- 6.4% claim Hispanic ethnicity
- 1.3% Two or more races
- 0.0% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander