Curryville, MO is a small town with a population of 245 people. Located in rural Missouri, the city has a population density of 821 people per square mile, which is significantly higher than the US Population Density of 93 People per Square mile. Curryville offers many local activities and organizations for its residents. Local businesses include the Curryville Market and Tammy’s Salon & Spa. For those looking for outdoor recreation throughout the year, the town has fishing spots at Lake Shelby and Big Creek as well as hiking trails at Walker Park and Bannister Woods. The town also hosts several annual sporting events such as baseball tournaments at Curryville City Park and softball games at Chilhowee Park. Other special events held in Curryville include an annual chili cook off in October, which brings locals together to celebrate fall harvest.
The population in Curryville is 245. There are 894 people per square mile aka population density. The median age in Curryville is 31.2, the US median age is 38.4. The number of people per household in Curryville is 2.4, the US average of people per household is 2.6.
Family in Curryville
- 71.4% are married
- 12.2% are divorced
- 31.9% are married with children
- 21.3% have children, but are single
Race in Curryville
- 97.0% are White
- 0.4% are Black
- 0.0% are Asian
- 2.6% are Native American
- 0.0% claim Other
- 0.0% claim Hispanic ethnicity
- 0.0% Two or more races
- 0.0% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander