Hancock County, Maine has a population of 55,417 and a population density of 35 people per square mile. Located on the scenic coastline of the Gulf of Maine, Hancock County is known for its beautiful landscapes, quaint coastal towns, and year-round outdoor activities. Popular local businesses include restaurants like Red Sky Restaurant & Bar and Lisa’s Cafe in Ellsworth, as well as galleries like the Schoodic Arts for All Gallery. Other organizations in Hancock County include the Ellsworth Public Library, Friends of Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor and the Hancock Health Care Center. For those looking to get out and explore nature there are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy such as hiking trails at Acadia National Park or fishing in various freshwater lakes. Popular sporting events held in Hancock County include the Blue Hill Bay Swim Race every summer and annual snowmobile races held throughout the winter months.
The population in Hancock County is 55,417. There are 35 people per square mile aka population density. The median age in Hancock County is 49.2, the US median age is 38.4. The number of people per household in Hancock County is 2.2, the US average of people per household is 2.6.
Family in Hancock County
- 53.0% are married
- 13.7% are divorced
- 25.1% are married with children
- 13.1% have children, but are single
Race in Hancock County
- 95.1% are White
- 0.8% are Black
- 1.0% are Asian
- 0.4% are Native American
- 0.1% claim Other
- 1.3% claim Hispanic ethnicity
- 1.3% Two or more races
- 0.1% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander