Branch County, MI People


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Branch County, MI is a great place to live with a population of 44,677 and a population density of 86 people per square mile. It offers a variety of businesses, year-round outdoor activities and organizations, as well as local sporting events. Businesses in the area include the Branch Country Club, which offers golfing and dining services; the Coldwater Downtown Development Authority which promotes downtown revitalization efforts; and the Jonesville Public Library for books and other media. Year-round outdoor activities include camping at Coldwater Lake State Park or fishing on the St. Joseph River. Organizations in the area range from local civic clubs to 4-H livestock exhibitions. Local sporting events include high school football games during the fall season and basketball tournaments throughout the winter months. Branch County is definitely an ideal location to live, work and play!

The population in Branch County is 44,677. There are 88 people per square mile aka population density. The median age in Branch County is 41.2, the US median age is 38.4. The number of people per household in Branch County is 2.6, the US average of people per household is 2.6.

Family in Branch County
- 51.0% are married
- 14.6% are divorced
- 28.9% are married with children
- 14.9% have children, but are single
Race in Branch County

- 90.9% are White
- 2.3% are Black
- 0.5% are Asian
- 0.3% are Native American
- 0.0% claim Other
- 4.5% claim Hispanic ethnicity
- 1.4% Two or more races
- 0.0% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander

   Estimated Total Population by Age

  PeopleBranch, MichiganUnited States

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