Atlantic, NJ County is a vibrant and bustling county located in New Jersey. With a population of 273,865 people and a population density of 473 people per square mile, it's one of the most densely populated areas in the United States. The county offers a wide variety of businesses, year-round outdoor activities, organizations, and local sporting events. Popular businesses include the Atlantic City Boardwalk shops and eateries that offer visitors a great selection of souvenirs and delicious food. For those looking to get outdoors there are plenty of hiking trails, beautiful beaches, parks, golf courses, fishing spots, campgrounds and more. There are also plenty of cultural attractions such as museums and art galleries located throughout the county. In addition to these attractions there are also several annual events such as Atlantic City Marathon & Half Marathon, the Atlantic City Air Show & Race Weekend which take place each year in May or June. Finally there are some local sporting events that bring fans from all over to cheer on their favorite teams including basketball games at Stockton University or hockey games at Historic Boardwalk Hall Arena.
The population in Atlantic County is 273,865. There are 493 people per square mile aka population density. The median age in Atlantic County is 42, the US median age is 38.4. The number of people per household in Atlantic County is 2.7, the US average of people per household is 2.6.
Family in Atlantic County
- 47.3% are married
- 10.9% are divorced
- 28.6% are married with children
- 20.6% have children, but are single
Race in Atlantic County
- 56.4% are White
- 14.3% are Black
- 8.4% are Asian
- 0.2% are Native American
- 0.1% claim Other
- 18.5% claim Hispanic ethnicity
- 2.1% Two or more races
- 0.0% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander