Berry, AL Rankings

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United States / Alabama / No Metro Area / Fayette County / Berry / Zip Codes

Berry, AL is a small town in central Alabama with a population of just over 800 people. Despite its small size, Berry has been ranked highly by BestPlaces due to its low cost of living, high quality of life, and strong public school system. In terms of affordability, the town has an overall score of 71 out of 100 with housing costs being particularly attractive at 79 out of 100. Quality of life is also quite high with a score of 75 out 100 due to safety and diversity ratings both coming in at 80 out 100. Lastly, the city's public schools rank above average compared to the rest of the state and come in at 66 out 100. Overall, Berry may be small but it packs a punch when it comes to providing citizens a great place to live with low costs and high quality.

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Over 5 years ago

We LOVE Berry Alabama. Moved here late June 2020. Wish we had moved here 20 years ago. Best people and neighbors anywhere. Small town. Absolutely gorgeous forests,  More

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