Bonaville, KS Rankings

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Bonaville, KS is ranked favorably in several categories on the website. The city has an A+ grade for Cost of Living, indicating that it is relatively affordable to live there. Bonaville also has a B+ for Diversity, indicating that this small town is populated with people from a variety of backgrounds and origins. Additionally, Bonaville has a C+ grade for Housing, showing that while the housing market in the area might not be as bustling as in other places, there are still plenty of options available. Finally, Bonaville has an A+ rating for Education, showing that residents have access to good schools and universities nearby. All things considered, these rankings make Bonaville an attractive place to live for those looking for a cozy small town atmosphere with all the amenities of living in a larger city nearby.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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