Climax, KS Rankings

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United States / Kansas / No Metro Area / Greenwood County / Climax / Zip Codes

Climax, KS is ranked #1275 in the US by the BestPlaces rankings. It has an overall score of 40/100 and is ranked higher than 50% of other US cities. This small city located in Kansas's Finney County has a population of 191 people and is situated about 6 miles north of Garden City. The rankings take into account factors such as cost of living, weather, crime rate, education level, housing, employment and more. Climax has a low cost of living with a median home price that is 4.9x lower than the US average and an unemployment rate that is 6.2% lower than the national average. As for safety, it has a crime rate that is comparable to most other towns in Kansas with no major incidents reported recently. Education wise there are no schools located within Climax though nearby Garden City offers multiple options for students from grade school to college level. Despite its small size and population Climax makes up for it in affordability and quality of life offering locals a pleasant place to live without having to worry too much about money or safety concerns.

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