Creswell, KS is a small city located in Harvey County with a population of just over 600. Despite its size, Creswell has been highly ranked on the Best Places list for numerous categories including Education, Jobs, Cost of Living, Crime and more. In terms of Education Rankings, Creswell is placed at #2 out of all cities in Kansas with an A+ grade being awarded overall. It's also highly rated for Jobs with an A- grade and ranked #1 out of 51 cities in Kansas. In terms of Cost of Living, Creswell ranks at #7 out of 51 cities in Kansas with a B+ rating. Furthermore, it ranks highly for Quality of Life and Amenities due to its rural location giving residents great access to outdoor activities and amenities. Finally, when it comes to Crime & Safety rankings, Creswell ranks #3 out of 51 cities with an A+ rating proving that it is one of the safest places to live in Kansas. All in all, Creswell is an excellent place to live and work based on its best places rankings.
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