Yates Center, KS Rankings

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United States / Kansas / No Metro Area / Woodson County / Yates Center / Zip Codes

Yates Center, KS is a small town located in Woodson County and it is ranked #6 in the BestPlaces BestPlaces Ranking with an overall score of 74. This score is based on criteria such as amenities, cost of living, crime rate, education level, employment, housing and weather. Yates Center has some great amenities that are favorable among its inhabitants which include a variety of restaurants and coffee shops, parks, golf courses and entertainment venues. In terms of education level, Yates Center offers several public schools that provide quality education for children from kindergarten to grade 12. As far as cost of living goes, the town provides affordable housing options that make it ideal for those looking for a place to call home. The crime rate in Yates Center is low compared to other towns in the area which adds to its overall desirability. Lastly, due to its location in northwestern Kansas, Yates Center enjoys mild temperatures throughout the year with minimal rainfall and plenty of sunshine. All these factors contribute to its BestPlaces BestPlaces Ranking of #6 out of all towns in Woodson County.

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