Ghent, NY Rankings

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Ghent, NY is a small town located in Columbia County, New York. It has a population of around 1,700 people and covers an area of approximately 4 square miles. Based on the content above, Ghent is highly ranked in several categories by These rankings include its low cost of living, high livability score, and top-notch schools and education opportunities. Ghent is ranked #1 for public school quality in the state of New York, making it an ideal choice for families looking for quality schooling options. In terms of cost of living, Ghent is also highly ranked with a score of 10 out of 10 on the BestPlaces index, making it one of the most affordable places to live in New York State. Additionally, its livability score ranks at 8 out of 10 giving Ghent residents access to a wide variety of amenities such as parks and recreational areas as well as arts and culture activities. All these factors make Ghent an attractive option for anyone looking for a safe and welcoming place to call home.

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