Butler town (Custer County), OK Rankings

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Butler, OK is a small town located in Custer County and has been ranked by BestPlaces.net as having a population of 623 people with a median household income of $48,921 and a poverty rate of 8.8%. The town was also given an overall livability score of 65/100, which places it far above average compared to other cities in the US. In terms of safety, Butler was given a crime index score of 112, meaning it is slightly safer than the national average. Education-wise, the city has an average test scores ranking of 37/100, indicating that students may have difficulty meeting the standards set by public schools. Additionally, the employment rate in Butler stands at 3.3%, making it an ideal place for those looking for work. All in all, Butler is overall a safe and pleasant place to live with plenty of opportunities for both current residents and those looking to move here.

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