Elkhart County, Indiana, is a great place to live and work. According to the BestPlaces Rankings, Elkhart County ranks high in several categories such as affordability, cost of living, education system, job opportunities, and housing market. The county is also one of the nation’s leading producers of recreational products and services and ranks among the top 10 counties for recreational activities. It is home to many attractions like RV camping spots, scenic riverside trails, amusement parks, and more. The area continues to draw in people from all walks of life with its vibrant economy and plenty of amenities for everyone.
Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.
Country Home magazine, in conjunction with Sperlings BestPlaces, reveals that Burlington, Vermont is the 2007 Best Green Pla...
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The cities listed here are the 117 Smallest Metropolitan Statistical Areas, ranging in population from approximately 200,000 ...
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Between international terrorism and a struggling economy, today’s Americans are faced with more stress than ever. In this new st...
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