Defiance County, Ohio has a population of 38,717 according to the most recent census estimates. It is ranked #41 out of 88 counties in the state by It is rated as having a livability score of 66, which is average and puts it in the top half of all counties in Ohio. The crime rate, public school system, cost of living, housing costs and employment opportunities are all factors that contribute to this ranking. The average commute time to work for residents is 21 minutes and the unemployment rate is 3.3%. This suggests that there are plenty of job opportunities available for those who live in Defiance County. In terms of quality of life, Defiance County offers a moderate selection of recreational activities including Lake La Su An Wildlife Area and Wildwood Preserve Metropark, both popular attractions for outdoor enthusiasts. Additionally, Defiance County has been consistently earning high marks in terms of quality healthcare with two major hospitals providing excellent care to its citizens. Overall, Defiance County has an above-average ranking according to BestPlaces and can offer its residents a reasonably comfortable lifestyle with plenty of job opportunities and leisure activities available nearby.
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