Sidney Metro Area, OH Rankings

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United States / Ohio / Sidney Metro Area / Counties / Cities / Zip Codes

The Sidney, OH Metro Area is ranked highly by BestPlaces in multiple categories. It has a high ranking for its quality of life, with a score of 63 out of 100. This is based on the cost of living, crime rates, health care access and quality, housing availability and affordability, education levels and overall well-being. Sidney also ranks highly in terms of diversity, scoring in the top 10 percent nationally. This high ranking reflects a population that is composed of many different ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs. Additionally, the Sidney Metro Area receives high marks for job growth at 3.6%, which is higher than the national average. This indicates that people are finding economic opportunities in the area and businesses are growing rapidly due to this increased demand for jobs. All these factors contribute to making Sidney an attractive place to live and work.

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