Zip 86337 (Seligman, AZ) Rankings

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Seligman, Arizona is a small town located in Yavapai County. According to the bestplaces rankings, Seligman has an overall score of 52/100, ranking it #10,057 out of all cities and towns in the United States. Seligman's livability score ranks it 54/100 which is lower than the national average of 67/100. The city's school system has a rating of 10/10 which is higher than the national average of 10/10 and the crime rate is 44% higher than the national average making it one of the least safest places to live in America. The median household income in Seligman is $35,400 which is approximately $3,000 less than the US median household income. Additionally, its cost of living index is slightly above that of the national average at 97 out of 100. The unemployment rate for Seligman stands at 5%, compared to 3.7% nationally and 16% for Arizona as a whole. Despite its low rankings according to bestplaces rankings, life in Seligman still offers many advantages such as clean air and open spaces with plenty of outdoor activities available year round.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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