Zip 95570 (Westhaven-Moonstone, CA) Rankings

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The Rankings for 95570 Westhaven-Moonstone, CA are based on several criteria from the website The overall score takes into account data from a variety of categories such as housing affordability, cost of living, crime rate, education, proximity to amenities and health care access. The rankings for this area are quite positive with an overall score of 8/10. Housing is quite affordable with a median home value index sitting at 1.5%. The cost of living sits at 10% below the national average and crime rate is 32% lower than the rest of California. Education levels in this area are higher than the state's typical average while there are plenty of activities and amenities nearby. Finally, access to health care is also relatively good with various medical facilities located in close proximity.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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