Falls Village, Connecticut (06031) is a small town located in Litchfield County. It has a population of just under 1,000 people and is a great place to live if you're looking for a quiet home away from the hustle and bustle of the city. According to the BestPlaces rankings, Falls Village scored well on crime & safety, education, housing costs, employment and cost of living. The crime rate in Falls Village is lower than both the national average and state average. Education wise, over 90% of adults aged 25 or older have completed high school or higher. For housing costs, it’s one of the least expensive places to live in Connecticut with an average one bedroom rent costing around $1,142 per month on average. There are also low unemployment rates in this area with only 3.4% recorded in 2018 – lower than both the national and state averages. In terms of cost of living, Falls Village falls below the national average but slightly above the state average at 102 compared to 100 and 101 respectively. All in all it can be concluded that 06031 Falls Village is an affordable place to live with good educational opportunities and low crime rates making it a desirable location for many people looking for peace and tranquility.
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