Zip 34785 (Wildwood, FL) Rankings

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Wildwood, FL, with a zip code of 34785, is ranked highly in many categories on the Best Places website. Wildwood has an overall ranking of 116 out of 853 cities for which rankings have been calculated. It ranks particularly well in terms of cost of living and diversity, where it places at 27 and 92 respectively. The city also ranks favorably in terms of education and crime rate with respective rankings of 69 and 172. Additionally, Wildwood is considered a very family-friendly place to live with a ranking of 81 for family life. This makes the city desirable for those looking for a safe environment to raise children and access quality education.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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