Zip 96765 (Lawai, HI) Rankings

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Lawai, HI has a population of 382 people and is located in Kauai County. According to Bestplaces Rankings, Lawai has a cost of living index of 117.9 which is 1.9% higher than the US average. The median home price in Lawai is $1,135,200 and the median household income is $74,500. Lawai’s crime rate is lower than the US average with a crime index of 19.5 compared to the US average of 100. In terms of education, Lawai received an A+ rating from Bestplaces with a score of 98 out of 100 for its educational resources and opportunities available for students from kindergarten through college level courses. Additionally, Lawai scored high in quality-of-life metrics such as climate (A), air pollution (A+), traffic (B-), and commute time (C). With its beautiful scenery and mild weather year-round, Lawai ranks highly among U.S cities when it comes to overall quality-of-life rankings.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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