Zip 61705 (Bloomington, IL) Rankings

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The Rankings of 61705 Bloomington, IL are a valuable source of information to help people make informed decisions about living and working in the city. The rankings provide an overview of the city's overall quality of life, economic health, safety, education, housing market stability, and other key metrics. According to, 61705 Bloomington has a high ranking for its cost of living index at 8 out of 10, making it a desirable place for those looking for an affordable place to live. Additionally, the city has achieved an A+ rating in crime & safety with a low violent and property crime rate. Furthermore, the educational system in 61705 is considered above average with the school district receiving a B rating from With these favorable rankings in mind, it is clear that Bloomington is a great option for individuals seeking a safe and budget-friendly place to call home.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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