Zip 60921 (Chatsworth, IL) Rankings

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United States / Illinois / Pontiac Metro Area / Livingston County / No City / Chatsworth (zip 60921)

The Rankings of 60921 Chatsworth, IL according to are generally high. It has a livability score of 57 out of 100 and is ranked #1,532 in the United States. This small town has a crime rate that is 41% lower than the Illinois average and 37% lower than the national average. Its unemployment rate is 2.8%, which is higher than both the state and national averages but still relatively low. The cost of living index for 60921 Chatsworth, IL is 79, which is 18% lower than the state average and 20% lower than the national average. The median household income for 60921 Chatsworth, IL is $54,711 per year, which is 21% higher than both the state and national averages. Overall, 60921 Chatsworth, IL has an excellent quality of life with a strong economy and low crime rate compared to other towns in Illinois and across the United States.

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