Zip 62922 (Creal Springs, IL) Rankings

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The Rankings of 62922 Creal Springs, IL are determined by analyzing a variety of data sources according to the website. The rankings cover a range of criteria such as cost of living, crime rate, weather, housing, education and more. Creal Springs ranks positively in terms of crime rate with low levels of violent crime reported throughout the region. It also has a fairly affordable cost of living with plenty of amenities for residents to enjoy including outdoor activities and cultural attractions. Education is another strong point for Creal Springs as it is served by several good schools in the local area and boasts an above average graduation rate compared to other cities across the state. Overall, 62922 Creal Springs is an attractive place to live for those looking for a safe and affordable location with plenty to do and explore.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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