Zip 61735 (Dewitt, IL) Rankings

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The Rankings of 61735 Dewitt, IL are excellent. The city boasts a livability score of 81 points out of 100, indicating that it is a great place to live in. It also receives an \"A+\" for its crime records, meaning that it is an incredibly safe and secure place to call home. Furthermore, the city has a cost-of-living index of 89 points out of 100, making living there affordable compared to other similar cities. Additionally, the quality of its education system receives an \"A+\", demonstrating the value provided by local schools and colleges. All these factors make 61735 Dewitt, IL an ideal destination for people looking for a peaceful and secure place to live with access to excellent educational facilities.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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