Zip 62988 (Tamms, IL) Rankings

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62988 Tamms, IL is ranked among the best places to live in the United States. It has a high quality of life and great amenities that make it an ideal place to call home. The city scored well on criteria such as safety, education, economic opportunity, and housing affordability. It also boasts low crime rates, excellent healthcare facilities, plenty of entertainment options, and good public transportation links. 62988 Tamms, IL is also very affordable for people who want to buy a house or rent an apartment. In addition to being one of the safest cities in the country with low crime rates, 62988 Tamms, IL was awarded a high ranking for its availability of recreational activities and its cost of living that is below the national average. For those seeking an idyllic place to call home with great amenities and reasonable costs of living, 62988 Tamms, IL may be the perfect choice.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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