Zip 52627 (Fort Madison, IA) Rankings

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Fort Madison, IA has a population of 11,051 and is located in Lee County. According to BestPlaces, the city's overall ranking is a 5/10 with a livability score of 58/100. The rankings for amenities, cost of living, education & employment, housing, and weather all range from 5-7 out of 10. Residents enjoy access to high quality amenities such as restaurants, grocery stores and entertainment venues. Cost of living is slightly higher than the average for Iowa but still below the national average. Education & employment opportunities are abundant in Fort Madison due to its proximity to larger cities as well as local employers in the area. Housing prices are more affordable than most places in Iowa and the weather is mild year round with warm summers and cold winters. Overall, Fort Madison is an excellent place to live with plenty of amenities, cost of living options that won’t break the bank and great weather.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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